
Baby Girl Born on FlixBus in France

A baby girl was born in a FlixBus on May 8, 2019, a first in the history of FlixBus which has carried over 100 million of passengers since launch.

This unprecedent event occurred in a FlixBus headed from Barcelona to Brussels and operated by a bus partner based in Brive, France.

The big event took place around 3:30 am, when both drivers operating the route immediately stopped at a motorway station located in Ressons, France, to call emergency services and remove the approximately 30 passengers that were onboard the bus.

After a smooth birth, the baby girl – named Zenep – and parents were transferred to a local hospital in Compiègne. The baby and mother are both healthy.

In honor of the happy event, and the first baby born on a FlixBus, Zenep will be able to ride with FlixBus for free until her 18th birthday.